Privacy Policy

Last update: September 20, 2023

Here at Self Automation - More Me Time, we take your privacy and data protection very seriously. When you engage with our AI training and automation services, we ensure that all information shared with us remains confidential and secure.

1. **Information Collection:** We collect personal information such as your name, address, email address, and contact number to provide our services effectively.

2. **Usage of Information:** Your data is solely used to improve our services, tailor your learning experience, and keep you informed about updates and relevant offerings.

3. **Data Security:** We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

4. **Third-Party Disclosure:** We do not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, except when required by law or to protect our rights.

5. **Contact Us:** If you have any queries or concerns regarding your privacy or our practices, please email us at

By engaging with Self Automation, you agree to the terms outlined in our privacy policy. Your trust is paramount to us, and we are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your data